Sunday, December 13, 2009


From time immemorial, we are obsessed with ‘white skin’; no, i am not talking about the ‘yellow skin’, which we have in, copious in this country. It is the ‘white skin’ which compels us to give them majestic treatment no matter what it takes away from us. Barring few isolated characters’ that don’t bother being defiant and see any difference in colours; but the rest always take refuge under the shade of camouflage to hide their unrefined traits. A white recognition has no parallels; the longing at times becomes so relentless that we fail to understand the difference between a harsh white scorn delivered with smirk and a genuine appreciation. At indigenous forums often, we speak with lots of gusto and make tall promises to debunk the myth of ‘white superioritybut it just takes one such white to make us look dwarf.

I whole heartedly endorse the fact that we are no less than them and should cease bragging for them; but then the omnipotent impact of ‘white skin’ don’t even spare me at times. When I say impact be ready for a lengthy list; their art, music, games, cuisine, fashion, food habit, relationships, family, pattern to show affection, style of business, rejoice, ................................and i leave it over here for you to add some. Blaming only our colonial history for the impacts (good or bad indifferent) would be prejudice because there are instances of borrowing examples from them in order to transit from darkness to light. In Kolkata every alternate day the political protocols are getting stampede under the huge reserve of latent transitional energy; some have already started rating this city among the cosmopolitans. Now i would like to tell you a story where i play the protagonist; yes actually i was getting restless and now its high time to bring in as the prologue is all set to carry a third world country bewilder mouse who is struck between dark and light.

I spotted this unlikely couple facing the white Victoria Memorial Palace busy discussing issues beyond architectural brilliance. She was accompanied by a local boy but later in this anecdote you will see that he is not a localite like me; the only reason behind this odd twosome. I just couldn’t wait to interrupt the local guy; so i almost air dropped with my friend who was on a outing for photography; he being a student of film gave me an articulate pretext to start off with no hesitation; after all now Indian films have got good share in the oversees market thus it is quite evident that they will have some reverence for the budding film makers of this country. They never expected us in the middle of their could be serious conversation; I almost caught the boy gaping at me; it was like bumping into a honeymoon suite having ‘Do not disturb’ tag on the door. The Phirang girl was wearing a deep neck cut blue top through which her weary boobs peeped at me; the valley studded with brown spots, there was no stretch marks like the most home-grown pieces. Both of them denied lending their faces for the digital Cannon, so we clicked them from the back. The girl was quite plum from her butt; it was not a low waist but as she leaned forward a white streak of skin-popped out. While my friend got busy adjusting, the light and the angle i kept ogling at her through trivia discussion; she was from Denmark and was on vacation with her live in NRI boyfriend; remember i told you he was not a localite like me. I voluntarily squatted relinquishing the atop view of the line on her left breast which separated her original skin colour from the tanned. She was on my left and the NRI was on her left; so i, despite being a NRI had a PHIRAG so close to my side. I am not upmarket disco hopper; its not that i don’t want to be one but right now i can’t afford to be one; thus her outrageous outfit should have riveted my eyeballs on the white valley which was scantly covered by a cup shaped black piece of cloth; because a localite like me who can count in hand the number of times he has been to those posh liquor joints where drunk women don’t mind having anonymous sidekick for some time or for that matter for a night.

She was no ordinary girl; she was a Gori and i might not get another chance with someone like her in my entire life or lucky by chance, even if i get will i have an apt alibi like this then? Therefore, instead of capturing those libido enriching live footages, which i could have used for eternal satisfaction later; i concentrated on the discussion, as I wanted the city to witness one of the signs of my transition.

Don’t. I mean to say don’t you dare to call me a impotent; because last time i dragged down my then girlfriend’s Kammez immediately after i was teased by that yellow cleavage and trust me it drove me more excited than the white. Being an integral part of a Bengali character, it had all the fostered and occult characteristics of not so vociferous Bengal; it didn’t flaunt overt desire consciously but found it tough to keep it subdued ; it panted with every touch and like a king who always gives in his best to save the throne during foreign aggression it also took some feeble preventive steps knowing the inevitable to guard the brown crown. At times, procrastination is not that bad it allows you to strengthen you beak for the final dig.

So you want to know what i did with that yellow stuff.....aren’t you a thinking and imanagetive person? Did I here yes? Ok then unleash you imagination.

Often i visit those posh sophisticated malls to bask under the intense white lights, do loads of window-shopping and remain updated with the latest trends and collection but when it comes to do some real buying it has to be one of those stores, which offers true value of my money. So if you are planning for a transition, let me tell that you will have tryst with hollow promises in this path which you are not supposed to ignore but more importantly you need to extract true value and you know how to get that.

1 comment:

  1. Well u are, i must say an avid writer. which will not be possible for me in the near future to write like like you. you are right...we get more carried away by the western lifestyles than our won. me being an Indian who has taken the responsibility to comment on your blog also follows the same know,Lord Clive (pardon me if i am wrong), while one of his visit to India in the year 1863 wrote to his fellow mates in england- "In India there are no thieves, no beggars. because people over here are so rich in their own culture that western lifestyle hardly affects them. so we will never be able to rule India unless we inculcate the feeling of being inferior in them in front of us"... this was the policy made in 1863 and after that the Britishers applied the formula of "divide and rule". they created jealousy among us and made us fight against each other...hummmm..u must be thinking why i am giving you a lecture on India's independence. but the bottom line is, even if we got rid of the Britishers,we still could get rid of their culture. rather in the name of "developing nation" we have adapted their culture more and more and made it a part of our daily life. so whenever we see a "white" girl or a guy we try to mingle with them ,thinking that our social status will increase.

    and talking about cleavage.. a girl has always been the center of attention for all guys. and its not a guys fault i would say. because our body is gifted to us by god,,, but he has left the decision of using it in our hands.whether we want want to use it for "lust" or for "love" depends on the girl itself.

    one last thing i would like to point... we are not yellow. we are brown. thats why we are looked down upon more by the Americans as they consider as a mixed breed.. neither white nor black. but "brown".
