Its dark yellow with blue floral prints spread across, well knitted with fitting colour thread, the white jacket dilutes the loudness of colours by few tones but is necessary to salvage its prettiness in the days ahead to come. Unknown of whether there exists separate blankets for men and women- but if there is any classification then the one I am having must be for the fairer-sex because it looks and exudes feminine virtues. A bachelor like me would never mind something feminine hugging all through the night. Summer vacations of school was no less than escape to freedom at my maternal uncle’s place which allowed me to flush out all statutory disciplines for a month and then returning back into the cordon just before the commencement of school. The blanket lives to its full size only for two months and for the rest ten it dwells in the dark loft neatly coiled inside the brown tarnished trunk.
It awaits for the summon which normally goes just couple of weeks after the Kali Puja, after descending it adorns the quintessential white jacket and then its all ready to tender the warmth and take care of me in those chilly nights. It takes few days to wane out the odour of naphthalene and that extra pulpiness almost like a new bride in the bed who knows her role in the dark but projects a dignified awe to his partner. I don’t slip into deep sleep right after retiring to bed; once under the blanket a normal time is needed to develop that medium which propagates the universal language between us; nobody in this exchange process speaks loud enough so the threat of being overheard is almost nil. From here, i would address the blanket as she or her, which will give the inkling of the glue between us. I try to keep her posted with the preceding events I have been through then analyse it together and finally acknowledge her contribution in creating the operational plan for the next day. I have heard lot about body languages but have not seen much of them who can decipher it correctly; but here she have an edge, barring the face my entire body needs her cover which allows her to sniff me like an criminal investigating dog and leaves no occult secret within me. When episodes of life unfolds as per expectations or there is unprecedented leap i start foreseeing more embellished pictures of future under her meticulous surveillance and end up jutting few inches extra out of excitement and at bleak times when it seems that the entire world is conspiring against me; nothing is falling in place; dreams looks like mirages; own presence leaves no mark of significance; felling of deprivation surges new heights; suggestion turns me wild; unsuccessful becomes the cult word in life; my body succumbs and squeezes from unknown fear, the cold just waiting at the threshold of the blanket makes no impact, she embraces me even after continuous twisting of sides.
This winter has been devoid of any upheavals, we have not exercised the coded language much between us, as there has been very less developments on my part. Staying awake until late into night, doing stuffs, which are little more than just time pass, browsing sites, which can’t be, watched when the family is around, downloading music which will surely not be all time classics, buzzing some nocturnal friends online, peeping uncerominoulsly at the deserted street from my clumsy bathroom. No, i have not craved for her like yesteryears, all this winter i went to bed after hearing the wake up calls from the mosque and i don’t remember much of our conscious activities in the cot. I have been busy preparing my undulating mind for some more awful times, which will just spare my body from cutting it into two measured pieces- ideas came and went none stayed with me, i was getting on to their nerves but still they maintained nihilistic calm (Family). A fugitive from the eyes studded with questions in the day and an undisputed chief in the wee hours of the night when nobody was seen around. Every night roped in new believes which looked so achievable in the dark- I could see no force stopping me from the inevitable (accomplishment). Yes, the sense of true sprite followed me to my bed where she waited, and then i pulled her over me-bit of adjustment, yes this year it’s been more as we have almost behaved like alien to each other but still her cover up was of paramount importance more to arrest the sprit than to keep the cold at bay. By the next mid day, i was back to my normal- no unnecessary excitement to break the jobless streak. One chance, yes that is what I need; (the same thing will never happen again but if it happens twice then it will definitely happen for the third time) i have no clue how true is this. Often basking under the thoughts of unnerving incidents, i counted the number of opportunity, which came in my way, but i decided not to embark for no good reason. I don’t know the exact count more appropriately i don’t want to know but it is ought to be two as here i am waiting for the last one which will have a boarder. Never broached such instances which had genuine prospect in disguise of sturdy openings to her to avoid criticism which would have compelled me to admit that i am no better than a urchin in this realm where only a fit can survive and the rest are mere spectators.
The medium of universal language has almost ceased, quite deliberate as i never wanted to educate her of my predicament, which shows no sign to end, but then she can smell my deep sighs, which speaks on my behalf. The other day i saw my mom baking her under the vehement sunrays which means once again it’s time to bid her good bye and rake her into that pitch dark loft for the approaching hibernation period. I strongly condemn my unfriendly behaviour towards her –but then you can’t blame me bluntly for everything, this much is allowed in a rapport which has now continued for quite a time. Even if I wanted, i could not disrupt the jinx in the last few days. Therefore, i am all set to let her go only if she promises to be my talisman in the forthcoming winter and we will reinstall that medium which only responds to likely souls.
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