On an overtly sunny day just when the two fatigueless hands of the grand old church watch is ready for an unison vertically, gesticulating the omnipotent circular system to exude vociferous energy by encapsulating quantum of light rays and how many times have I got back to my dwelling giddily being vanquished by the ubiquitous reason.
Prodigal and light are two words which seems to be genetically so rich and their legendary richness has always barred the normal deluge and ebb. Too much of prodigal thought or exhibition of the same can cordon your consciousness and siege it to the crest, which in some of the isolated cases defies illuminating the grey areas behind the cordon. Well I wonder in the whirlpool of so many factoids, which has given me feeble intonation of extreme unlikely vacuum by keeping the rich glow at bay there by tightening the regular up and down movements.
Well have you ever felt like a dilapidated conossiure gaping at the swirling down colour-tampered leaves; yes autumn has just sneaked in and its time for them to create space for replenishment and initiate a new epoch. Though I always ask my friends not to use their treasured logic instead flow with the prowess of my thoughts; here I would give biological science a chance. For plants and trees, autumn means time to ejaculate all toxic materials it has deposited throughout the year and in the process; it changes its colour for a brighter start. But when do we clean up our system??
So categorically, we have a day that reckons the path breaking return of Lord Ram to Ayodha after squashing the fragile but malevolent dark sprit; the sacred land was caught in the obnoxious web and the special son of the land choose one particular day to wipe away all sorts of grimness from the face of his followers. With his divine foray Ayodha was lit up like never before celebrating the festival of light.
Like any other normal person, I have inculcated within me the art of anticipation and that could be just from the sheer thought of having a hope. However, there is no dearth of fervent expectation from her round the year but during this time of the year; glorified thoughts are lit up with energy burning all snags showing me an illuminating vista until the next rendezvous. HAPPY DIWALI. LET LIGHT PREVAIL.
ReplyDelete“LIGHT”-who has seen darkness, can best defy the glory of “LIGHT”. You probably are one of those kinds who have gone through severe tumultuous upheavals in life that even a small ray of hope brings that curved line on your face for which many of your loyalists crave for. Yes that frown expression from your face has disappeared. Is it really because of your rendezvous with light? Have you ever wondered how did you start gestating happiness out of small things rather than sorrows? Well, you are your best judge. But “light” is not prodigal always. It’s more frugal as far as I can canvass, since the trait of happiness is to live less unlikely to sad moments of our life and it doesn’t always get replenished at the right time. Even after getting new colours in the leaves it wilts away every year at the commencement of autumn. Likewise, even after trying hard to kill the evil before his homecoming to Ayodha, that was just a body which died. Since the evil soul still now evil persists, in each one of us. So try to get happiness out of every small moment… coz as your MUSE says…”kya pata kal ho na ho”.