Saturday, March 19, 2011


Its been quite a number of years i have abstained myself from the warmth of the free spirited hues; it was a cold equation i shared. Well....i thought i am different by being indifferent. This HOLI came charging towards me and broke the notion of being different with a vehement thud. Now the word is ABUNDANCE instead of ABANDON. Never wanted to be smudged.....did i don too many colors today!!!! Let me tell you i tried my level through procrastination..but i believe the same “P” factor got me into the groove.

Hey Chandan Da.....u rock man SAAAALAM to your never ending energy. Today the moment i spotted you leaning forward from the balcony of 17 Girish Avenue, all decked up...i was quite sure something is in store ....did u mind the Peeka BOOO..well it was quite blur. are gutsy man...i will always reckon you to be the person who can take things up head on. Cheers .

Arif....What a turnaround dude!!! You are a standalone example of the word emancipation. Did you find the scrubber....if not let me know i have one handy......MOTU. came in late but then you picked up like a Bannister. You had no other choice...

Jwala Da....the wait has really been worth....but bit disappointed, we were all set for the RAMAYAN.... just need to tell you one very important are that pure unknown factor without which our gatherings looks bleak..we mean it Mr Singh. Cheers to Coffee. have been the X factor today....felt sorry for you, how many buckets were down on you....did you keep the count...??? Yu..uu. Anyways slowly but steadily you are pitching in as an effective and dependable team member of the rowdy gang...we don’t mind...What say guys??? expected came in late but emerged as a show stopper. Any doubt Arijit Da??? We love you and miss u sooo much, Keep in touch. Don’t drift apart.

Arijit da, Goju, Boudi. One basic reason behind our frequent meetings is you and your wonderful family. You people have always been an impeccable host...All we do is think about a party and pass the buck on to you and we know that its in safe hands....

Goju.. well i know i have been a spoil sport ...hopefully next year you will see me in full colors.

I have seen lot of changes in last one year or so, have adapted to most of it ...will ensure i can keep doing the same.

Thnkx to everyone..lov you guys ..HAPPY HOLI. Cheers to Colors of Life.